Monday, August 27, 2012

Warwick Castle and Cotswold towns

Warwick Castle is considered the finest Medieval Castle.  Actually it is very well preserved. The money collected from the tickets goes right back into restoration.  It  is an amusement area with lots of fun activities.  There is something for everyone. 

Some of the room have displays,  We started out in the Tower with a fun adventure with dragons.  It did scare the two girls for a little bit.  They quickly got over it.  

Wouldn't you just love to dress like this?  It had to be hot.  
Mice anyone?

Wayne and I had a chance to see this weapon work.  It really is just a great big slingshot.  People get in the wheels to get it ready.  

The Birds of Flight was entertaining. This eagle literally flew over my head.
Wayne, Tim and I climbed the fortress.
Our next stop was the Lower Slaughter in the Cotwolds area.
Houses are constructed with honey colored stone.  

 The next little hamlet we visited was Bibury. 

 This was the cutest street of the trip.  People still live in these homes.  It was interesting to see how very low the ceilings were. 

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